Sunday, March 29, 2009

Episode 42: Seymour in the Dark

Episode 42


The car slowed as Will veered left along the off-ramp towards Seymour.
“Ryan Sturges has been convicted on several counts. None of them involved a fire arm,” said Will Brown. “You said you saw him murdering two women. How did he do it?”
“With a knife,” said Synch. He looked at Cindy and winced. “Gruesome.”
“His convictions involved inflicting knife wounds,” Will continued.
“He might have got hold of a gun,” David added. “But it doesn’t fit his MO.”
“You think someone else took pot-shots at us?” said Synch.
“It’s possible,” said David.
They turned right. The sleeping town was eerie under flourescent street lights. At the other side of town they returned to darkness.
The dirt road came up on their right. Will drove slowly. They bumped along the single lane track and stopped in front of a small cement sheet bungalow.
“We’re home kids,” said David. His humour was lost on the others.
They got out of the car and examined the nondescript building.
“Are you sure this is safe?” said Synch.
“As sure as we can be,” said David.
Cindy came to Synch and held his hand.
Her hand was cold.
He felt her tremble.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

By Diane L Wood

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Episode 41: Co-incidence?

Episode 41


“Probably a co-incidence,” said Synch.
“Did you have a run in with him?” asked David.
“Everyone did,” Synch answered. “He stole from me and I fronted him about it. Lots of kids did. It was a regular occurrence for him. If you’re thinking vendetta, he’d have to spread it around with half the students of the school.
“Can you think of any reason he’d single you out?” said the detective.
“None,” said Synch after a moments thought. “The kid was a creep and about as welcome as warts. Everyone agreed.”
“Did you just make that up, about warts,” said David.
“No. I came up with it in one of my few creative moments at school,” Synch laughed.
“Did he know you made it up?” said Will Brown.
“Pr-o-b-ab-ly,” Synch. The hum of the motor and flash of car lights in the black country night didn’t re-shape their one combined conscious thought.
“Ahhh, no-o-o,” said Synch. “Ryan wouldn’t be after me for a little thing like that.”
David cut in to the car’s hum.
“People have killed for less.”


By Diane L Wood

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Episode 40: Instant Recall

Episode 40


A few more corners and the engine’s pitch signaled high speed and a smooth flat road.
“Where are we going?” said Synch.
“A remote place in the country, near Seymour,” said David.
“Seymour’s an hours drive up the Hume Highway. Do we have to stay on the floor all the way?”
“You can get up now,” David answered. He glanced back at the vehicles behind them. Synch looked too. A stream of bright headlights struck the backs of his eyes. His pupils hadn’t adjusted to being out from under the blanket. He blinked the pain away.
Synch and Cindy clicked on their seat belts.
The four sat silently each in their own thoughts about what had happened and what was ahead.
“David, what’s the name of the suspect we observed packing his car boot?” Synch asked.
“Ryan Sturges. You know him?”
Recall was instant.
“I went to primary school with a Ryan Sturges. He spent a lot of time with the headmaster. The kid liked hitting girls and taking other kids property. No-one liked him. He had a slightly turned eye and was fat, nothing like the skinny guy we watched,” said Synch.
“Even though he’s thin now he’s still got the turned eye,” said David.
Synch and Cindy looked at each other. The headlights glaring in from behind revealed one shared thought on their faces.
This can’t be good.
She took his hand and held it firmly.


By Diane L Wood

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Episode 39: From Under the Blanket

Episode 39


Powerful strobes lit the front and back of the house like pyrotechnics on New Years Eve.
“Come on,” David said to Synch and Cindy. He hurried them out the back door to a waiting unmarked car and shoved a blanket at them.
“Get down on the floor and cover yourselves,” he said opening the back door for them. “We’ve got to get you away before news teams arrive.”
They did as instructed and felt the car backup then take off.
“Ever been on a first date like this before?” came from under the blanket.
“Um, n-o. I was involved in a serious car accident on a date once. That was a second date. Then there was the restaurant fire, also a second date. The robbery under gunpoint, it was a third date. Poor guy was a mess.”
Synch digested the info for a few minutes.
“Anything else?”
“Minor things like hot coffee spills in laps, twisted ankles from falling down stairs and losing car keys in the Yarra River.”
“All those things happened to you?”
“Not me, no. My dates.”
“While you were with them?”
“Can we get up now David,” said Synch. “I’m sweating under here.”
“We’re almost there,” said David unsuccessfully hiding a snicker.
“Are all your dates – eventful?” Synch asked.
“Only the first few, I think. Most guys don’t risk a repeat performance and ask me out again, except for one, so it’s hard to say.”
“It’s very hot under here David,” said Synch.
“I can imagine,” said David under his breath.
“What?” said Synch.
“I’m turning up the air con,” David said out loud.
They all lurched sideways as Will Brown cornered too fast.


By Diane L Wood

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Short Story for You

I've just completed posting a short story at:

for your entertainment.
Let me know what you think.



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Episode 38: ... A ... Bit ... Heavy

Episode 38


“Stay down,” said David.
“No argument here,” Cindy mumbled into Synch’s shoulder.
“… four gunshots,” said David into his mobile phone. “Immediate assistance… “
Synch spread himself over Cindy.
“You’re … a … bit … heavy,” she forced out from under his weight.
He rested his forearms on the floor either side of her and raised himself slightly.
Her hair smelled like some kind of flower.
Her body was warm and firm.
His natural physical reaction was evident to them both.
“If this is your idea of foreplay,” she said. A snicker came from the darkness. “I must warn you I don’t have sex on the first date,” she whispered.
More snickers.
“I don’t usually flatten my dates, unless you count the time…”
“What?” Cindy stiffened.
“Just kidding,” said Synch.
A rash of distance sirens grew suddenly louder. Blue light flashed in through gaps at the sides of the dusty faded curtains.
“The cavalry?” said Synch to anyone in the room.
“And your taxi to your next new home,” said David.


By Diane L Wood

My Bio:
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Monday, March 16, 2009

Episode 37: Fantastic

Episode 37


‘Thtck!’ Glass broke and scattered under a window.
“Get down,” David ordered drawing his gun.
They all hugged the floor.
Someone reached up and killed the lights.
“What was that?” said Synch from the floor.
“Gunfire,” came a chorus of three voices in the dark.
Synch was still holding Cindy’s hand. He slid closer and half laid on her shielding her from the direction of the broken window.
“You okay?” he whispered.
The noise came from inside Cindy.
“Apart from being half squashed, half fed and in shock knowing you know all my intimate details when we virtually don’t know each other, I’m bloody fantastic,” she snapped.
“Oh, sorry,” he answered.


By Diane L Wood

My Bio:
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Episode 36: Will Predictions Happen?

Episode 36


“Officers Fran Teddington,” the plain clothed woman nodded at Cindy and Synch, “and Brett Macchan will take the first shift,” said David. Brett half smiled at them.
The main room must have been a ball-room in the house’s hey day. Now it was fitted out with stretchers, bedding and tea making paraphernalia.
“Is this really necessary?” Synch asked.
“Unfortunately yes,” said David.
“I don’t see anything in my future that suggests I’ll be attacked or murdered.”
He looked hard at Cindy.
“Or Cindy,” he added.
“How sure are you that people aren’t able to change their future?” said David.
“The department consults with other psychics and they agree it’s possible to do so,” Will Brown said.
“It’s a bit new to me. I’m only sure that what I see at that moment will happen,” said Synch. “I guess if I told someone they’d have a car accident at a particular time at a particular place they could stay home in bed that day.”


By Diane L Wood

My Bio:
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Episode 35: Home Away From Home

Episode 35


The car stopped in a driveway. Through the shadows of darkness Synch saw the house of many columns. The old two story building clung together with scrolls and curlycues ornate and bordering on derelict. Years of neglect shattered what must have been at one time a grand dwelling.
“Get out of the car and walk quickly. Don’t look around,” David instructed.
His eyes darted about, searching.
The quartette made their dash to sanctuary.
The battered front door opened as they approached.
Synch held Cindy’s hand tight a weak effort, he thought, at conveying being there for her. Hell, if it wasn’t for him she wouldn’t be here in the first place.
“Make yourselves comfortable,” said David. “This is going to be home until the suspect is apprehended.”
Synch and Cindy stared at him.
“The man’s a psychopath. We have to protect you and this is the safest place,” David said.
Cindy shuddered.
“I’m sorry,” Synch said to her.
Her bottom lip gave a tiny quiver. Her eyes floated in watery pools.
Synch took her in his arms and held her tight.


By Diane L Wood

My Bio:
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Episode 34: Everything?

Episode 34


“I, um, kind of…” he started.
The car took another corner. They were flung to the other side.
“Well it’s like this,” he had to tell her he knew that but it felt all wrong. They were supposed to get to know each other first then he’d tell her, gradually.
David turned and faced them in the back.
“He’s psychic Cindy. He knows everything about a person by looking at them.” Then to Synch, “Can’t wait for whatever it was you were waiting for. She’s in this too now.”
Cindy sat rigid, frowning.
“Psychic?” she said. Her mind ticked over. “Everything?”
Synch bit his bottom lip.
“Yeah,” he answered. “What exactly do you mean by ‘this?’” he asked David.
“The suspect you observed with us found out about you. We think some loud mouth cop made jokes about your ‘talent' while the guy was in the holding cell. Our informer says he’s after you.”
“Bugger,” said David.
Cindy was staring into space.
“Everything,” she muttered.
Her face was crimson.


By Diane L Wood

My Bio:
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Episode 33: Have You Told Her?

Hey Cynde, Cacaz and Barinagirl! Thanks for registering as followers. I hope you're enjoying the serial. It's fun writing it.

Episode 33


Cindy frowned at Synch.
He half shrugged back.
They jolted to the side as they rounded a corner. Will Brown spun the wheels. He was in a hurry.
“These are the detectives I was helping.”
“Did you tell her what you do?” asked David.
“Ah, no,” Synch answered looking at Cindy. “Our date was cut short.”
He knew the next question before she opened her mouth.
“What do you do?”


By Diane L Wood

My Bio:
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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Episode 32: Not Finished

Episode 32


Synch sat stock still staring at Cindy then at the phone in his hand.
He’d better do as the detective ordered.
“We have to leave,” he said sliding his chair back.
“But I haven’t quite finished eating.”
“I’m sorry. It’s really important that we get out of here now.”
Confusion began to form a possible reason for David’s call. The man they watched packing bags his boot must have something to do with it.
Synch took Cindy’s hand and hurried to the register to pay for their meals. He glanced about the room looking for the man. Nope, couldn’t see him.
“What’s it all about?” asked Cindy as they climbed into the car waiting at the door.
Before they clicked their seat belts David put his foot down.
They were flung back in their seats.

By Diane L Wood

My Bio:
A Short Short Story:

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