Sunday, June 21, 2009

Episode: 59 Mercenary

Episode 59


“Will it be dangerous?” she said concerned and biting into toast and vegemite.
“Theoretically, no,” he said.
“Then, no problem,” said Cindy.
Both thought, ‘Yeah, right!’
“My internet business is running well. It’s set up so I’m not needed full-time. Doing… what do you call it anyway?”
“Reading peoples futures?” she shrugged.
“Doing, that, will give me two streams of income,” he said frowning.
“A mercenary way of looking at it,” she said stiffly, her lips pressing to a fine line.
He half smiled. Telling her about the charities he supported could wait.
“I’m off to work,” she said standing abruptly. “Help yourself to food, whatever you need.”
Her smile was gone. She glanced at him as she disappeared out the door.
Mmmm! ‘Won’t hold eye contact.’
A grin spread across his face.
‘Our first tiff. Just like an old married couple.’
He folded his hands behind his head and rolled onto his back.
“Arrrgh! Blasted backside.”


By Diane L Wood

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